Fun Facts

Fun Fact #10

white car with apple and number 84 on it from cars

The car made for Steve Jobs.

Disney World flew its flags at half-mast on the day Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died. Jobs was Disney’s largest single shareholder (7 percent) and was on the board of directors. Cars features a white racing car with the Apple logo, and the number ’84’, which refers to the year the first Apple computer was released.



Fun Fact #6

Blogger Jon Negroni has a unified theory of Pixar films and how they all connect, from Brave through to the frightening, sci-fi world of Wall-E, and finally to a freakish future when animals and humans have inter-bred, to create the monsters of Monsters Inc/University. Strange but fascinating.

To hear about Negroni’s theory visit his website, above, or watch his video on youtube at: